Friday, 14 August 2009

Love Package from Jamilla

Note: I used to put prices as a service for those who wanted to know, but I'm feeling this exposes my spendings abit too much, so I'm no longer going to put in prices. ^__^ On Wednesday, I received a surprise package from Jamilla. I was so excited that I opened it and photographed it unceremoniously on the kitchen counter where I normally go through my mail!! LOL! Jamilla spoilt me! She shouldn't have, but I can't deny I loved everything she sent! Here are the items. 001copy I mentioned once to Jamilla that I needed to get prescription sunglasses made soon (due to eye sensitivity I can't wear contacts anymore). She must have remembered because she sent me a cute purse and this pair of sunglasses. I'm going to bring them to the optician this weekend. :D Oh, and obviously, I got the info from Fuz and finally got myself started on using xiuxiu meitu. Pardon my over-zealous photo-decoration., I'm loving all the fancy. :D Jamilla really knows me well. I'm a magpie (love the bling bling) and a Hello Kitty fiend. I adore the Hello Kitty jewellery she sent and the DSK heart! 004copy 003copy Thank you so much Jamilla! :D © Copyright. All rights reserved.


Shop N' Chomp said...

Omg, so cute! Jamilla is so sweet :)

Laura L said...

aww... that's sweet and DSK... the perfect bling bling jewel maker!!

Anonymous said...

I'm loving your love package form Jamilla! She is so sweet! <3

Jamilla Camel said...

You got it! Glad you like your goodies--I'm still working my way through YOUR love bomb, lol!

MiuMiu said...

what a nice package from jamilla~!