- anna said... those are absolutely gorgeous!! i usually don't like green but that shade is amazing. haha. thanks for the giveaway and your amazing blog:) September 25, 2009 12:48 AM
- birkinbagbeauty said... wow, I love the new template and thank you for doing a giveaway that is open to the international fans of your blog as well.Ohh, something to say about myself. Mmm, I have a couple of pet-lizzards in my living room (boyfriend's pet)... September 25, 2009 12:56 AM
- Jamilla Camel said... Thanks for the international giveaway! You know that I'm addicted to Swarvoski ;-) September 25, 2009 1:06 AM
- amynaree said... what a cute giveaway :) I love all the pieces that you made especially the cell phone charm. I have an iphone too so now I really want one ^__* September 25, 2009 1:32 AM
- Hoa Dang said... I love your DIY stuff, especially those with crystal hearts. Something about myself: my toenails are always red...lol. September 25, 2009 1:35 AM
- adin_22 said... hi!!!You really make gorgeous jewelries...I'm trying to make some charms using polymer clay but I suck at it big time...I just don't have crafting talent but I used to be good in craft...I just don't know what's happening to me right now......and wow....another giveaway...I'm in....hehe.... September 25, 2009 1:39 AM
- Babybubblz said... gorgeous jewelry, very simple and elegant! hmm something about me, i'm trying to go to the gym 3x a week for turbo kick boxing. it's very high energy, but motivation to go can be hard... September 25, 2009 2:09 AM
- indramcryan said... Hi!I'm a new follower.Gorgeous giveaway!...something about myself....I'm crazy about dark chocolate!=))x September 25, 2009 2:48 AM
- cleung341 said... Your pieces are lovely. I live in the US and am a full time student who is studying to become a radiologic technologist. Thanks for the give away. September 25, 2009 2:54 AM
- Shopn'Chomp said... Thank you so much for doing this! Your jewelry making skills are amazing. :)About me: The hubs and I went to Singapore for the first time last year and had the best crab dish we had ever tasted: CHILI CRAB!!!! Oh I am just drooling now thinking about this dish. Hope to be able to go back soon! September 25, 2009 5:09 AM
- LT said... You're very talented! Love those pieces.Little about me? I'm just a mom to 2 and loving it. September 25, 2009 7:46 AM
- K said... Wow, so pretty!!!Something about myself? I'm a big fan of fountain pens! They are so much easier to write with than regular pens in my opinion! September 25, 2009 7:55 AM
- SS said... Wow, all your work look great and very pretty. I have just started my handmade Swarvoski collection. If I win, yours would be my second piece. =)Something else about myself, we have met before. This is jackieatbtu. lol.Cheers and have a great F1 weekend. September 25, 2009 7:59 AM
- izumi said... verrryyy pretty :) i forgot to comment that your storefront you set up on facebook was really nice, though it IS adding on another app~ interesting feature though, i didn't know that existed xD September 25, 2009 8:17 AM
- Sherry said... ID sherrygosherrygo at hotmail dot comabout me :) I am handling over 20 blogs by myself. :) now I am making beading jewelry :) hehe. September 25, 2009 8:26 AM
- Beauty Snap said... Hey Aichaku! I love your new layout, it's very cute :)Thank you for doing an international giveaway, I always look forward to your posts when they come out. About myself... this is a strange fact but regarding attraction towards males, for physical attributes I like the back the most! LOL Couldn't think of anything else that is interesting... Anyway good luck with your new jewelry creations! September 25, 2009 8:35 AM
- sizbelle said... aichaku, you gals really make jewellery making looks so easy but too bad i'm not even 1% creative & talented to do it... September 25, 2009 10:08 AM
- Dina (XYYan) said... I love your jewelries!I always want to learn how to make jewelries but just too lazy to do it right away, hopefully one day i will do so.. hehe.. (i love crystals too!)Thanks for this amazing giveaway! September 25, 2009 10:15 AM
- Minoueel said... 2 thumbs up* gorgeous handiwork u have there. :) September 25, 2009 11:11 AM
- pinky"the-middle-name-is-princess"beanie said... I love love love your bag/handphone charms and necklaces :) Can I also get you to make a lanyard/necklace and bag charm for me? Email you on prices and stuff :) September 25, 2009 11:57 AM
- Stacieee said... oOoO your stuff is so cute! I just started getting into jewelry making too, its kind of addicting =) lol Anyways heres my entry to your wonderful giveaway~Something about myself, um..im always trying to gain some weight..lol September 25, 2009 12:18 PM Comment deleted This post has been removed by the author. September 25, 2009 12:22 PM
- stellarvixen said... you are soo gifted!thanks for holding a giveaway!a little secret bout me i'm a gamer freak- ps2, wii & pc game playing batman arkham asylumohh i especially like your hauls on the Japanese makeupswanna win your crystal~~ September 25, 2009 3:40 PM
- sara* said... Those are very pretty =)Thanks for the giveaway~!about me: I love Hello Kitty..alot September 25, 2009 7:51 PM
- wndxox said... love your jewellery pieces!some thing about myself - i'm going to a britney spears concert in nov. just had to share that, cos i'm really excited! :) September 25, 2009 8:14 PM
- mint said... thanks for the giveaway! i love earrings, i can never get enough of them x3 September 25, 2009 11:13 PM
- Lumy said... Hi~ I love everything you made :D so cute!Something about me... I've just entered University, I'm studying Biotechnology and I'm quite stressed right now! haha September 26, 2009 12:06 AM
- Eve said... the jewelry are beautiful. cute. well I will let you know stuff about myself. My name is eve, I am addicted to beauty products. No really I am. I buy something almost everyday, and I really need to stop because most of them are in boxes in my basement. and I love to make things like pillows and quilts. September 26, 2009 7:37 AM
- astrorainfall said... WOW - what a generous giveaway for your readers! Please count me in. :)Some of your creations look v sweet and pretty... September 26, 2009 3:36 PM
- Eva said... hi thanks!!! for the givawayi am a beauty addict too!! thats one thing aboutme check out my blog if you have time September 26, 2009 11:48 PM
- mayaari said... you've made some really gorgeous pieces of jewelry :) I'm a fellow jeweler as well, and something about me is that I really love fall/winter because I love wearing knee-high socks, haha September 27, 2009 10:22 AM
- shythi said... it's a great giveaway.. really wish I'm be luck enough to own some amazing gems. Well I'm a beauty addict who loves her BB cream and mineral makeup. I love online shopping too...who doesn't right esp if you are from Asia where everything is way more expensive... you know what i mean.. September 27, 2009 7:34 PM
Monday, 28 September 2009
Winner of International Follower Giveaway
Saturday, 26 September 2009
Shopping: Myeong Dong & Loreal Beauty Sale
Thursday, 24 September 2009
International Follower Giveaway: Comments Closed (27 Sep, 10pm)
- Open to all followers both international and local.
- Just put a comment, any comment in this blog entry and let me know something about yourself. Remember to sign in with your blogger ID so I can go read your blog too. :D
- One winner will be drawn using the Random.org random number generator.
- Entries will close on 27 Sep 09, Sunday, 10pm Singapore time and the winner will be announced on 28 Sep 09, Monday, 10pm Singapore time.
- a brand-new never-been-used made by Aichaku handphone charm and
- a sterling silver and swarovski crystal heart earring,
- together with some surprise skincare and makeup samples and items which I'm still putting together.
Monday, 21 September 2009
Review: Loreal Perfect Slim Laser
Sunday, 20 September 2009
Review: My Beauty Diary Black Pearl Mask
Selamat Hari Raya to all my Muslim friends and readers! Yeah! It's a long weekend and there's a holiday tomorrow. Woot, no work!! Hahaha, so I have some time to dedicate to blogging. :D
I spotted My Beauty Diary masks at Guardian Pharmacy in Harbour Front during one of my lunchtime forays. In my previous micro-blogging test post, I mentioned they were selling at the new-product-promo-price of less than $5 per pack of 2 masks. There were 3 types on sale: Aloe Vera, Black Pearl and Bulgarian White Rose. I bought Black Pearl and Bulgarian White Rose as they claim to have whitening properties.
Because my Chinese isn't all that great, I'm not sure if this is the same My Beauty Diary brand that everyone in the blogsphere is raving about. However, I found the mask very disappointing after all the raves that I read online. It might be a case of being let down by overly high expectations.
I tried the Black Pearl mask immediately, the day I bought it. It has a very strong fragrance which I didn't find appealing, but fortunately it dissipated after a while. Good thing also that the fragrance didn't cause any extreme allergic reaction for me, but there was a slight stinging sensation on the extremely dry parts of my cheeks and corners of my mouth. I tend to get very dry on these areas especially during PMS. Hopefully, when these areas are not too dry, I won't get this sort of stinging sensation when I use the 2nd piece of mask that I have.
The mask sheet is thin and light, so it doesn't create a heavy feeling when it is applied. It is also generously soaked with serum that is sufficiently moisturising, but I find it doesn't really brighten or whiten my skin. Personally, for a pearl mask, I was expecting a smoother, clearer look to my skin like I get when I use the Silk Whitia Pearl Finest Powder Pores Refining mask.
Here's the ingredients list from the back of the pack, for those of you who are able to real Chinese.Monday, 14 September 2009
Let's try micro-blogging
Sunday, 13 September 2009
Review: Green Bean Cleansing Powder
I was willing to try it because the ingredients list is very small - it contains only 3 ingredients: Green bean, Job's tear and wheat germ.
Although there are Japanese words on the packaging, it's actually a made-in-Taiwan product, from a company called Shine-ball Biotechnology Co. Ltd. (Funny name huh? I couldn't help giggling when I typed this.)
According to the usage instructions, one could either use it as a face wash/scrub or as a mask.
Sunday, 6 September 2009
More "Simply, Aichaku!"
Here's Simply, Love!, and Simply Adore! with swarovski hearts and pure silver findings. I found some silver earring hooks with cubic zirconia accent that provides more bling to the Simply, Adore! design. :D

Simply, Be-ribboned Again! is a variation with longer pure silver earring hooks, swarovski crystals, rhodium bow charms and other pure silver findings.
Simply, Pearled! are my personal favourites. They are made with fresh water pearls (in pink and beige) for a beautiful sheen and organic feel, with dainty rhodium ribbon charms, and pure silver ear-hooks with textured pearl shape and findings.
I bought a few other types of pearls and can't wait to make more of these with the other pearls! *so happy!*

OK and finally, these are called Simply, Bling which has swarovski crystals, fresh water pearls, rhodium charms and pure silver findings. I was trying out these earring hoops I found and butterfly charms. So fun mixing and matching this and that! :D

Cetaphil Sponsored Give-away Winners

- izumi said... i absolutely love using cetaphil.. my derm recommended it to me since MANY things are wrong with my face and apparently my other cleansers weren't gentle enough. it's kind of weird that it doesn't foam up on my face but i've gotten used to it and use it daily xD i'd love to win but seeing as i already have it.. good luck to the other hopefuls! August 30, 2009 1:26 PM
- adin_22 said... I'm a follower....I would like to win because me and hubby have been using cetaphil for a long time now!!!!and we love it...Thanks...;) August 30, 2009 2:36 PM
- joyce_crystal said... i am new to cetaphil. in fact i have never heard of this until now that i have read your blog. i do have a rather dry and sensitive skin esp on my chin area..i would love to win so that i can try out and hopefully work for me :) August 30, 2009 5:26 PM
- ning * star said... I'm new to cetaphil, but I want to get it for my bf to try. His skin is sensitive and dry, sometimes he will have severe rashes on cheek, I hope I can find some products which is suit to his skin type.thank for holding this giveaway! August 31, 2009 12:31 AM
- jenna said... I have only used the gentle cleanser, but I love it! I'd love to try more! Thanks! August 31, 2009 3:24 AM
- Hikaru said... Hello~!!!I love to read your blog even I'm not a person who ussually comment on any web. I'll love to try cetaphil 'cause I've an extremely sensitive skin (dermatitis~! T^T) and I don't find a really good routine for skincareKeep the good job that you made with this blog~! ^-^ Bye bye~!! August 31, 2009 3:33 AM
- Tine said... Cetaphil's great as a morning facial cleanser, where there's nothing dirty to remove from the skin, but you'd still want to cleanse it (especially for me, as I have oily skin, and want to remove that oily film formed on the corners of my nose when I'm sleeping). August 31, 2009 6:38 AM
- Precious Moments said... Hi,I would like to try this product as I am facing dry and aging skin problem.Thanks You:) August 31, 2009 9:36 AM
- Karelessly in Love said... I have always heard and read how good cetaphil is but never really had the chance to try it. Always swayed by others. I still want to try Cetaphil eventually. August 31, 2009 10:22 AM
- sizbelle said... hi Aichaku, Wow that a nice giveaway, just in time, as i really needs a new cleanser for my combination skin, i;m not sure if its becoz of the weather or wat, my skin tends to be oily on T-zone and really dry on the frame like chin and side of my face. They are dry till the extend that i can notice some flaky which is really bad.Now i'm using my hubby's Eucerin Derma cleanser which cure my acne but it seems too dry for the other portion of my face.And cetaphil are really generous in offering like 5 sets haha... August 31, 2009 11:18 AM
- Judy said... I heart Cetaphil. I simply love Cetaphil Gentle Cleaner. Both my daughters are using it to cleanse their face even at their young age of 6 and 7. Cetaphil is so gentle that you can use it on baby skin. August 31, 2009 2:46 PM
- Iris said... Hi,I have dry skin that tends to be itchy and get irritated easily. Would love to try this drugstore brand to see it would help to alleviate my skin conditiion.Tks. August 31, 2009 3:30 PM
- rhaindropz said... i haven't tried this product before =( i followed you in facebook and here at blogspot (168th follower)i checked out their site (www.cetaphil.com) and reviewed their product..i would love to win so that i can try out and hopefully work for me :)(i knew im not entitled to join im not residing in Singapore - but still im gonna spread the word at my page)love lots,rhain September 2, 2009 12:27 PM
- sparklemidori said... I really want to try this product because I have always heard good things about it.Come check out bloghttp://sparklemidori.blogspot.com September 2, 2009 10:28 PM
- YN said... I've not tried cetaphil before but have heard many good raves about this. Recently I read about this being a pretty good makeup remover.My skin is dry (recently :( ) and dehydrated, hope to win and try this cleanser :) September 3, 2009 12:09 PM
- Wai Yoke said... I had sensitive skin but has yet to find a suitable product. I would love to give Cetaphil a try. September 3, 2009 3:27 PM