I'm a regular coffee drinker and have a full Espresso machine at home. (That's my coffee cup from Daiso up there.) But lately, I've been feeling the negative effects of drinking too much coffee. Besides the early morning dose I bring from home in my Tiger coffee flask, lately I also drank coffee in the afternoons, after lunch and more.
Just a couple of days ago, I found myself extremely exhausted right after drinking a very strong coffee I bought. I knew I was in trouble.
Coffee is known for some negative side effects, including dehydration and also causing restlessness, due to the caffeine. I wasn't able to sleep well and I suspected it might have to do with the vicious coffee cycle. I suspected I was also affected by adrenal fatique (something that I read about, I have some thyroid issues).
All these must not be good for my beautification efforts. I know very well that if I am exhausted, I will not look fresh and youthful at all, no matter how much makeup or skincare I use!
So, I decided I need to cut down on coffee. I can't abstain completely. I've tried before and failed. It is a psychological dependence on the drink. I shall have to stick to one small cup a day and nothing more. I hope this will work!
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hi! im a regular reader of your blog.. i love Chanel's Rose Dust blush, but its too expensive. wondering if you've any recommendations for a similar shade, not shimmery, at a more affordable price? thanks so much!
Hi, I'll do a swatch comparison when I get a chance and try to see what I can come up with. I haven't looked at Chanel's blushes much so far ... it'll be a good opportunity to get to know Chanel blushes better. I'll let you know.
I LOOOVE coffee, cannot live without at least one cup in the morning! But I try to limit myself to 2 cups a day, and only in the morning...
I'm a coffee noob, but I really like it ^^ except if I drink too much..my heart starts pounding really really fast..prolly not a great sign.
i used to drink a cup every morning if not I will feel very restless in the class.. :p but i've full determination and cut it down to zero~ *weee ^^*
hope you can stick to your aim! Good luck!! :)
i dont drink coffee at all i guess its because i like tea more ^^
I'm like Fuz, I'll have my two LARGE cups in the morning (or one double latte, which I make myself at home), but no more caffeine after noon.
I also try to stay off the diet cokes, because the caffiene from diet drinks can be as bad as the coffee.
You might try having some fruit when you need a pick-me-up, like a satsuma or a banana. I find that works well for me.
Good luck!
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